Thursday, November 10, 2005

What's your hot button?

Recently, I realize the reason why almost all of the success philosophy didn't work out for most people. Please bear in mind that I'm not advocating that they are useless. The tools are only valuable if you know what it is used for.

As you probably know and I believe you have even tried it, things like visualizing the amount of money you would like to have or even the life style you would like to have as a result of a specific income level. What I realize is that most people are just not interested enough to even carry out such a simple visualization consistently, and most find that it's over superficial. The reason is that it's not the thing that makes them feel excited.

When you found your hot button, all the motivational material in this world will become worthless. In another words, their primary purpose is to motivate people who don't care enough to do what they want to do or people who are doing what they do not like.

Therefore, it's vital that a person finds his or her true motivator or all the motivational materials will fail him.

This leads us to the next question: How can we find out our hot button?

Hmm.. not so much about the things that you do but rather the meanings you put on the things that you do. Your interpretation of events is what makes you tick!

Ok, take a moment and share with us your thoughts or experiences... just click on comments....


At 8:14 PM, Blogger Kenneth Yap said...

Colin says:
Good Morning

Kencash says:
hey... good morning.. i think i found the answers to finding hot butt....

Colin says:
Let's hear it!

Kencash says:
check my blog..

Kencash says:
check the first topic... on hot butt....

Kencash says:
u see.. actually it doesn't matter what u do.....

Colin says:

Kencash says:
according to nlp.... the way u interprete the things u wanna do determines ur emotional state... excited... bored.. etc.... right?

Colin says:

Kencash says:
dat's y ... anthony robbin's step one is just list everything u want to be, have, or do....

Colin says:
That's not it then!

Kencash says:
from that point on... just find the meanings that make u tick....

Kencash says:
it's not the thing that makes u tick... it's ur meaning on the things u want to do that makes u excited....

Kencash says:
let's say... u wanna be a skin expert...

Colin says:

Kencash says:
wat kind of meanings u have regarding a skin expert....

Kencash says:
just keep on coming up with as many meanings.. as u possibly can... one of them will definitely strike...

Kencash says:
got it?

Kencash says:
this way is much easier than to go back in time ... and search...

Kencash says:
for an example... as a skin expert...

Kencash says:
does that make u feel respected? or does it make u feel important? Smart?

Colin says:

Kencash says:
just keep asking ..... how do u interprete a skin expert.....

Kencash says:
wat does being a skin expert means to u....

Kencash says:
one of the meanings will definitely strike u.... and that's ur hot butt....

Colin says:

Kencash says:
so, wat do u think?

Kencash says:
let's take fish tank design.. for example...

Kencash says:
what does coming up with a perfect fish tank means to u...?

Colin says:
Feel accomplishment

Kencash says:
it means a sense of accomplishment to u.....

Kencash says:
what else...?

Colin says:
Perfect setup, can show to others

Kencash says:
ok.. that means impressing others... showing that u can do it....

Kencash says:
which means ... admiration from ppl around u.... right?

Kencash says:
and what else...?

Colin says:
Earn respect?

Kencash says:
ya... respect.. from others....

Kencash says:
see.. how it builds up...

Colin says:
I think there's something else...!

Kencash says:
ok... tell me ... about it

Colin says:
I need to dig it more myself and share with you once I've found it.

Kencash says:
ok.... u can use the same method with being a skin expert... and keep asking and notice ur own feelings...

Colin says:

Kencash says:
it'll be good if u can write it all down... and go through until u find the one that strike a chord.....

Colin says:
I'LL thank you

Kencash says:
no prob.. man...
Kencash says:
let's make it works....


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