Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I want it -- I don't need it

I believe I have knocked upon something that's going to change anyone's life if put to use.

The secret to getting anything you want in life -- is not to want it too badly

The reason is that when you are so desparately needed something -- you are amplifying your fear of not getting it

Knowing this fact is not good enough, I have distilled this strategy into a very doable steps below.

1) Decide upon your intention

2) Ask: What would happen if you achieve it?

3) Ask: What would happen if you didn't achieve it?

4) Fantasize your intention -- DO NOT think about how it's done

5) Listen for the hint and act immediately on it

***When deciding upon your intention, it's imperative you believe on your ability to make it happen. In another words, you need to believe in it wholeheartedly.

If you want to make a million dollar but internally you don't really believe you can, you'll need to reset your internal money gauge -- And the easiest way is to come up with a plan that let's you see exactly how possible to achieve your intention.

Now, put on your thinking hat and start meditating on the techniques mentioned above -- better still write it as many times as you possibly can.


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