Thursday, November 10, 2005

What's your hot button?

Recently, I realize the reason why almost all of the success philosophy didn't work out for most people. Please bear in mind that I'm not advocating that they are useless. The tools are only valuable if you know what it is used for.

As you probably know and I believe you have even tried it, things like visualizing the amount of money you would like to have or even the life style you would like to have as a result of a specific income level. What I realize is that most people are just not interested enough to even carry out such a simple visualization consistently, and most find that it's over superficial. The reason is that it's not the thing that makes them feel excited.

When you found your hot button, all the motivational material in this world will become worthless. In another words, their primary purpose is to motivate people who don't care enough to do what they want to do or people who are doing what they do not like.

Therefore, it's vital that a person finds his or her true motivator or all the motivational materials will fail him.

This leads us to the next question: How can we find out our hot button?

Hmm.. not so much about the things that you do but rather the meanings you put on the things that you do. Your interpretation of events is what makes you tick!

Ok, take a moment and share with us your thoughts or experiences... just click on comments....

How do you create your own reality?

"You don't have to learn how to do it! You've been doing it all your life anyway - rather unconsciously. Whatever reality you have now, you have created it. All you have to do is become aware of the mechanics of how you did it in the first place... Once you can do it consciously, the Universe really begins to act like a "wish fulfilling machine". Whatever you focus on, you begin to attract in very magical ways.

I say the word "magic" because when you begin to see at how quickly even what you thought was impossible, it really does seem like magic."

quote from John Harrichan

Monday, October 24, 2005

Four Steps To Getting Super Rich

Step 1: Decide what you want.

Step 2: Ask yourself "How would it feel if I achieve it?"

Step 3: Say "Thank You Thank You"

Step 4: Just do something

Over simplified? I would say it's simple but not easy...... Try it yourself and tell me about it!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Search

Finally, I managed to concentrate all my thoughts and consolidate all the bits and pieces, puting them all in the right perspective.

Let's roll back to the beginning when we were searching for the truth to success in every area of our life, be it relationship, career, money or fame.

We're like detective trying to figure out the whole story from the bits of evidence we gather from around and inside us. Until now, it slowly but clearly unfolding before our very eyes.

The formula is simple, not easy --
-- it's not always easy to believe in something simple. It's in the human psyche that nothing is simple, we seem used to give the credit to sophistication.

To make my point, let's use my analogy of planting a seed. It seems to me that the nature is forever revealing the secret of success and only those who are looking can see it, only those who truly listen can hear it.

..... Please look out for the secret on my next posting

Too tired to continue now....

Know Thy Self

It's an age old truth ... and it holds the key to your success

To be continued --

The Invisible Wealth Killer

--- a very interesting topic, inspired by the saying; money can't solve your financial problem -- what does that mean? Give it some thought, we'll talk about it next time...

Friday, April 08, 2005

You are broke, here's WHY

Recently, I came a across a very powerful book by the title "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind". It was written by a guy called T.Harv Eker, a self-made millionaire. If you are broke, please click NOW over to his website at and grab his great book even if you got to steal to buy it -- this guy holds the key to your financial future.

I don't want to sound like I'm promoting his book, after all, I'm not paid for doing that. It's just that I felt the urge to share, especially after reading his book. By sharing with others, we're actually opening up the gateway for more abundance to flow freely to us.

Besides that, I don't know him personally nor am I related to him in any way. I sure hope to have a great mentor like him one day.

For the past decade, I've been reading, studying and practising success philosophy. I've read everything from Napoleon Hill to Anthony Robbins. However, I better make myself clear that their books are great and I have gotten some outstanding results. It's when I got hold of Harv's book that everything start to fall into place and I finally able to make puzzle complete.

Well, I'm not going to talk in length what profound impacts this little book has on me. As far as I'm concern, it's an easy read and highly entertaining.

That's about it for now -- I'm overwhelmed now with ideas and will talk about it on the next post.

P.S. Some of the most recent posts on this blog are in fact inspired by T.Harv Eker's little GREAT book.


Just when I was meditating, an analogy came to mind.

Just imagine that you are planting a seed, there's no way we'll know how it grows into a plant. However, there'll be no plant if you don't first plant a seed and then water it everyday.

On the other hand, if you don't choose the type of plant you want to have, it'll just grow anything, maybe something you want and most probably something you don't want.

**I also found that it's vitally important that your believe in your own capability to make your intention a reality is unquestionable. It's like sunlight in the planting analogy, nothing will work without it.

This can be liken to the working of our subconscious mind, if we don't feed it with the vision of our choice, it'll not give us what we want. And we need to do something about it -- anything you deem fit -- just like watering.

That's all we need to do, the force of your subsconscious mind will have it's own way of attaining your ultimate vision. Just let go and let it -- you'll never know how the subscious works.

Keep in mind that the more you interfere, the less it works -- the more you trust, the more it works.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Just Do Something!!

There's an old saying; Even God can't help if you don't help yourself.

And here lies the secret key to make the formula works, "just do something". That's the only way your subconscious can help you realize whatever you desire.

Let's imagine that your car broke down and you need to give it a push start. You'll use all your might to overcome the inertial until the car run on itself. That's exactly what happens when you find something and start doing it, in no time your subconscious mind will take over and the rest will be smooth sailing.

So, let's start finding something and doing something today and don't ever worry about not getting it. Always keep in mind "I want it but I don't need it" -- and then just do something.

Did I just mention don't worry about the outcome? YES, you never fail to get what you worry about ;)

Friday, April 01, 2005

Learning to trust

Learning to trust means overcoming your fear of the unknown.

We can't make the subconscious work unless we've learned to trust it --

Now, the question you might ask is -- How do I trust it?

Just treat it as a person, how do you trust someone?

Think of someone you trust the most, how did that person earned your trust?

The easiest way to learn to trust your subconsious mind is let it do something for you, something that's easy -- like finding a carpark for you.

What we are doing here is to accumulate more positive experiences with our subconscious mind, the more it works, the more trust you'll have and the better it works.

Better still, keep a MIRACLE log book recording the date and time of the specific events.

So, begin today and starts seeing miracles in your life.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I want it -- I don't need it

I believe I have knocked upon something that's going to change anyone's life if put to use.

The secret to getting anything you want in life -- is not to want it too badly

The reason is that when you are so desparately needed something -- you are amplifying your fear of not getting it

Knowing this fact is not good enough, I have distilled this strategy into a very doable steps below.

1) Decide upon your intention

2) Ask: What would happen if you achieve it?

3) Ask: What would happen if you didn't achieve it?

4) Fantasize your intention -- DO NOT think about how it's done

5) Listen for the hint and act immediately on it

***When deciding upon your intention, it's imperative you believe on your ability to make it happen. In another words, you need to believe in it wholeheartedly.

If you want to make a million dollar but internally you don't really believe you can, you'll need to reset your internal money gauge -- And the easiest way is to come up with a plan that let's you see exactly how possible to achieve your intention.

Now, put on your thinking hat and start meditating on the techniques mentioned above -- better still write it as many times as you possibly can.