How to communicate with your subconscious mind?
Programming your subconscious mind will only work if you feed it with the right information. I realize that most people tend to visualize the process or activities rather than the final outcome. Here's where your subconscious mind gets confused, you are giving instructions to your subconscious mind on how to achieve your outcome. It should be the other way round, throw it the outcome that you want and let it come up with the perfect solutions it is capable of. So, let go and let god!
Mind Control
Human mind is a fantastic piece of instrument if you know how it works and how to make it work the way you want it. So the question is can we learn how to control it to produce the results we want? and how?
Try this exercise; make yourself relaxed by going to your alpha level and observe the thoughts that are going through your mind at any single moments and you will realize how difficult it is not to think of anything at all. In order to train your mind to do your bidding, you'll need to exercise discipline to clear any random thoughts at this level.
Begin with an end in mind
A better way to plan your time would be to determine the results you want and then plan the activities to achieve them. Let me explain, if your outcome is to set up an online store by end of the week, start by planning the activities that are needed to make it happen. Think that's what everybody is doing, then I suggest you think again..
How to make visualization work
I realize that a person's values will affect the outcome of his visualization. What I mean is when you visualize something that is important to you, it's easier to blend in the emotions with the mental pictures and hence better outcome. For example, if cleanliness, the picture of a work place or home office that are well organized and neat means a lot to you, you'll find it easier to visualize and feel the emotions of achieving the outcome. So, it's important to examine your set of values and sometimes conflicting values.