Believe it or not
What you believe strongly could have negative impact on the results you get, so examine your existing beliefs and find out those that are helping you and those that are hindering your success. That's the preliminary step, you'll need to look closely at every belief that you have and examine it's effects on every area of your life. Be very careful here, you might be so used to your belief that it has become a way of life for you and you won't even notice it.
Changing any belief is easy as soon as you are aware of it, just think of belief as a table top, the number of legs will determine how strong is that belief. To change an undesirable belief, simply look for more valid reasons to challenge it. When you look, you'll eventually find.
Likewise, to increase the intensity of good beliefs, all you need to do is find more valid reasons to support it. Just like the table top analogy, the more legs you have, the stronger is the belief.
Mental Deep Clean
It's very important to keep negative thoughts out of your mind constantly. Your mind is like a fertile garden, you can choose to plant the seeds of positive thinking or wild grass of negativity will soon outgrown. So, pay extra attention to what your mind is thinking at all time and immediately remove any thoughts of negativity the moment it enters your mind. If it is not get rid of immediately, the existing beliefs will multiply its growth tremendously.
So, give your mind a deep clean and keep on cleaning it on a daily basis with your power of consistency. Tomorrow, we'll examine beliefs and how it affects your behaviours and results.
Be unlucky to be lucky
I remembered Napoleon Hill once mentioned in his book that he can't name the success formula and he said that the teacher will appear ONLY when the student is ready. What he means is that reading and understanding the material is easy, but to really grasp the meaning of his teaching, you'll need more than just understanding.
In order for the teacher to appear, you need to undergo lots of life challenges and sometimes crisis. It's during these mis-fortunate moments that you are introduced to your other self and a stronger personality will surface. So, remember the next time when misfortunes fall upon your shoulders, be grateful because you are becoming more in your own way..
The power of concentration
There is a method that I found very useful in attaining the power of concentration, the method is called chunking. Chunking is simply breaking down a task into smaller segments and tackle them one at a time. The power of concentration can be further enhanced if you tell yourself that it's the only thing you are going to accomplish for the rest of your time.
On Blogging
Setting up a blog will force your mind to focus on the subject you are going to talk about and it helps you improve your writing skills as well. Nothing is real until it's put to writing! Don't you agree?
There again, it takes consistency to do it, tell yourself to write something, anything everyday and let's see how long you can last. It's a small challenge but it pays. Success breeds success, so start being successful at something small and you'll soon be overwhelmed by bigger success. Does that make sense to you?
Nike should have said it this way:
Don't think about it, just do it!
Success Recipe
There's really no secret to success, at least from my own observation. Basically, you need to be able to define specifically what you want, why you want it and a definite plan.
Yes, determining the object of your desire is the single most important factor of success. You'll also need to conceive a
definite plan and put it to action immediately.
The ability to take massive actions is another important ingredient. However, it's no use taking massive actions once in a while, it's the consistency of action that produce results.
It's not how much you know, it's what you do with what you know that determine where and when you arrive. Sorry, it should be right actions. That leads us to another question what's the right actions?
Right actions depend largely upon one's experience and knowledge about the mission he sets himself on. Given more experiences and specific knowledge, he's able to determine the right actions more accurately and thus more effective in achieving his desire. However, if the person is flexible enough to change his approach when facing problems, he will be led to taking the right actions sooner or later.
There's another factor called
emotional inconsistency, our emotional being is always subjected to the influence of external people or things. We need to develop the power to maintain our emotional consistency regardless of whatever that may happen. Only through developing this emotional strength, can we produce consistent results.
Subconscious Mind
In order to make visualization works, the first step should be determining what you want and then intensifying your desire by coming up with plentiful of good reasons why you want to achieve your goals. It will make visualization easier and clearer on a later stage.
Next, you must induce the daydream mental state while focusing on the thoughts you want, discipline your mind and keep random thoughts out of the mind.I found by going to alpha level everyday on a consistent basis helps induce daydream state of mind easier. Relaxation seems to be the key to successful visualization.
I believe that intuition can also be developed through this method and by paying attention to what come to your mind during daydream state. It's important to learn to trust your subconscious for it to work for you.
Repeat the above until the object of your desire become a reality.